Rabu, 29 Februari 2012

social science

Social Sciences (UK: social science) or social science (England: social studies) is a group of academic disciplines that examine different aspects related to human and social environment. Science is different from the arts and humanities because it emphasizes the use of scientific methods in studying human beings, including quantitative and qualitative methods. This term also includes the study illustrates the wide range in various fields including human behavior and interaction in the present and the past. Unlike the social sciences in general, the IPS did not focus on one topic in depth but rather provide a broad overview of the community.Social sciences, in studying aspects of society as a subjective, inter-subjective, and objective or structural, previously thought to be less scientific when compared with the natural sciences. But now, some parts of the social sciences has been widely used quantitative methods. Similarly, interdisciplinary approaches and cross-disciplinary social research on human behavior and social and environmental factors that influence it has made a lot of natural science researchers are interested in some aspects of the methodology of science sosial.Penggunaan quantitative and qualitative methods have been increasingly integrated into the study of the action humans and the implications and consequences.Because it is a simplification of the social sciences, in Indonesia IPS serve as subjects for elementary school students (SD), and junior secondary school (junior high school / junior high). As for the level above it, starting from the upper level secondary school (high school) and college, studied social sciences based on the branches of the science of the particular department or faculty that focused on studying it.The main branches of social sciences are:Anthropology, which studies human beings in general, and particularly cultural anthropology, which studies the cultural aspectEconomics, which studies the production and distribution of wealth in societyGeography, which studies the location and spatial variation in physical and human phenomena on Earth's surfaceLaw, who studied the system of rules that have been institutionalizedLinguistics, which studies the cognitive and social aspects of languageEducation, which studies issues related to studying, learning, and the formation of character and moralPolitics, which studies a group of human government (including state)Psychology, which studies the behavior and mental processesHistory, which studies the past related to the human raceSociology, which studies society and human relationships within it

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