Senin, 20 Februari 2012

natural science

Natural sciences (English: natural science, or science) is the term used to refer to the grove where the object is the science of natural objects with certain laws and public policies at any time anywhere.Science (science) is taken from the Latin word scientia which literally means knowledge. Sund and Trowbribge formulate that science is a collection of knowledge and processes. While Kuslan Stone says that Science is a collection of knowledge and ways to acquire and use knowledge. Science is a product and a process that can not be separated. "Real Science is both product and process, inseparably Joint" (Agus. S. 2003: 11)Science as a process of steps taken by the scientists to conduct investigations in order to find an explanation of natural phenomena.The move is to formulate the problem, formulating hypotheses, designing experiments, collecting data, analyzing and finally concluded. From this it appears that the fundamental characteristic of science is the quantification of the mean quantity of natural phenomena can be shaped.Studied natural sciences and the physical aspects of the Earth and the nonhuman natural surroundings. Natural sciences form the foundation for applied science, which are both distinguished from the social sciences, humanities, theology, and art.Mathematics is not considered a natural science, but is used as a provider of equipment / tools and frameworks used in the natural sciences. The term natural science is also used to identify "science" as a discipline to follow the scientific method, in contrast to natural philosophy. At school, studied natural sciences in general on subjects of Natural Science (commonly abbreviated as IPA).Certainty of the natural sciences are relatively high due to the concrete object, as this science is also commonly called an exact science.In addition to the traditional use of the above, today the term "natural science" is sometimes used approach is more appropriate meaning in the everyday sense. From this angle, "natural science" can be an alternative to the biological sense, is involved in biological processes, and is distinguished from the physical sciences (related to the laws of physics and chemistry that underlie the universe).The main branches of natural science are:AstronomyBiologyEcologyPhysicsGeologyPhysical geography-based scienceGeographyChemical

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