Rabu, 29 Februari 2012

social science

Social Sciences (UK: social science) or social science (England: social studies) is a group of academic disciplines that examine different aspects related to human and social environment. Science is different from the arts and humanities because it emphasizes the use of scientific methods in studying human beings, including quantitative and qualitative methods. This term also includes the study illustrates the wide range in various fields including human behavior and interaction in the present and the past. Unlike the social sciences in general, the IPS did not focus on one topic in depth but rather provide a broad overview of the community.Social sciences, in studying aspects of society as a subjective, inter-subjective, and objective or structural, previously thought to be less scientific when compared with the natural sciences. But now, some parts of the social sciences has been widely used quantitative methods. Similarly, interdisciplinary approaches and cross-disciplinary social research on human behavior and social and environmental factors that influence it has made a lot of natural science researchers are interested in some aspects of the methodology of science sosial.Penggunaan quantitative and qualitative methods have been increasingly integrated into the study of the action humans and the implications and consequences.Because it is a simplification of the social sciences, in Indonesia IPS serve as subjects for elementary school students (SD), and junior secondary school (junior high school / junior high). As for the level above it, starting from the upper level secondary school (high school) and college, studied social sciences based on the branches of the science of the particular department or faculty that focused on studying it.The main branches of social sciences are:Anthropology, which studies human beings in general, and particularly cultural anthropology, which studies the cultural aspectEconomics, which studies the production and distribution of wealth in societyGeography, which studies the location and spatial variation in physical and human phenomena on Earth's surfaceLaw, who studied the system of rules that have been institutionalizedLinguistics, which studies the cognitive and social aspects of languageEducation, which studies issues related to studying, learning, and the formation of character and moralPolitics, which studies a group of human government (including state)Psychology, which studies the behavior and mental processesHistory, which studies the past related to the human raceSociology, which studies society and human relationships within it

Senin, 20 Februari 2012

natural science

Natural sciences (English: natural science, or science) is the term used to refer to the grove where the object is the science of natural objects with certain laws and public policies at any time anywhere.Science (science) is taken from the Latin word scientia which literally means knowledge. Sund and Trowbribge formulate that science is a collection of knowledge and processes. While Kuslan Stone says that Science is a collection of knowledge and ways to acquire and use knowledge. Science is a product and a process that can not be separated. "Real Science is both product and process, inseparably Joint" (Agus. S. 2003: 11)Science as a process of steps taken by the scientists to conduct investigations in order to find an explanation of natural phenomena.The move is to formulate the problem, formulating hypotheses, designing experiments, collecting data, analyzing and finally concluded. From this it appears that the fundamental characteristic of science is the quantification of the mean quantity of natural phenomena can be shaped.Studied natural sciences and the physical aspects of the Earth and the nonhuman natural surroundings. Natural sciences form the foundation for applied science, which are both distinguished from the social sciences, humanities, theology, and art.Mathematics is not considered a natural science, but is used as a provider of equipment / tools and frameworks used in the natural sciences. The term natural science is also used to identify "science" as a discipline to follow the scientific method, in contrast to natural philosophy. At school, studied natural sciences in general on subjects of Natural Science (commonly abbreviated as IPA).Certainty of the natural sciences are relatively high due to the concrete object, as this science is also commonly called an exact science.In addition to the traditional use of the above, today the term "natural science" is sometimes used approach is more appropriate meaning in the everyday sense. From this angle, "natural science" can be an alternative to the biological sense, is involved in biological processes, and is distinguished from the physical sciences (related to the laws of physics and chemistry that underlie the universe).The main branches of natural science are:AstronomyBiologyEcologyPhysicsGeologyPhysical geography-based scienceGeographyChemical


Mathematics (from Greek: μαθηματικά - Mathematics) is the study of the extent, structure, space, and change. Mathematicians seek out patterns, to formulate new conjectures and establish truth by rigorous deduction from the axiom-aksiomadan corresponding definitions.There is disagreement about whether mathematical objects like numbers and dots are present naturally, or was manmade. A mathematician Benjamin Peirce called mathematics as "the science that describes the important conclusions". On the other hand, Albert Einstein stated that "as far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain, and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality."Through the use of abstraction and logical reasoning, mathematics evolved from counting, calculation, measurement, and systematic assessment of the wake and the movement of physical objects.Mathematics has become a practical human activity since the existence of written records. Rigorous arguments first appeared in Greek mathematics, most notably in Euclid, Elements.Mathematics is always evolving, for example in China in 300 BC, in India in the year 100 AD, and in Arabic in 800 AD, until the Renaissance, when new findings mathematics interact with new scientific discoveries that lead to a rapid increase in the rate of discovery mathematics that continues today.Now, mathematics is used worldwide as an important tool in many fields, including natural sciences, engineering, medicine / medical, and social sciences such as economics, and psychology. Applied mathematics, a branch of mathematics that surrounds the application of mathematical knowledge to other fields, inspires and makes use of new mathematical discoveries and sometimes leads to the development of the disciplines are completely new, such as statistics and game theory.The mathematician also wrestled in pure mathematics, or mathematics for the development of mathematics itself, without any application in mind, although practical applications as settings for the emergence of pure mathematics it is often found of later.Evolution can be viewed as a series of mathematical abstraction that has always abounded, or other words of the expansion point.Initial abstraction, which also applies to many animals, is about numbers: a statement that two apples and two oranges (for example) have the same number.In addition to knowing how to enumerate the objects of physics, it also recognizes how prehistoric man chopping abstract quantities, like time-to-day, season, year. Basic arithmetic (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) to follow naturally.The next step requires a writing or other system to record numbers, such as rope or knotted strings called Quipu used by the Inca to store numerical data. Number systems there are many and varied, the first written numbers known to exist in the manuscript legacy of Ancient Egypt in the Middle Kingdom Egyptian Rhind Mathematical Gazette.
Mathematics has since flourished immediately, and there is a beneficial interaction between mathematics and science, benefiting both parties. Mathematical discoveries made throughout history and continues today. According to Mikhail B. Sevryuk, in the January 2006 issue of the Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, "The number of papers and books that were included in the Mathematical Reviews database since 1940 (first year of operation of MR) now exceeds 1.9 million, and more than 75 thousand articles added to the base data every year. Most of the works in this ocean contain new mathematical theorems and their proofs. "The use of mathematics is the oldest in the trade, land measurement, painting, and weaving patterns and recording the time and never flourished until the year 3000 BC to face when the Babylonians and ancient Egyptians began to use arithmetic, algebra, and geometry for the calculation of tax and other financial matters, building and construction, and astronomy. Systematic assessment of mathematics in the truth itself begins in ancient Greece between 600 and 300 BC.